Snoring and Sleep Clinic

Happiness consists of getting enough sleep.

Snoring & Upper Airway Obstruction

Snoring is a sound produced by the vibrations of the tissues of the nose and throat on breathing during sleep. Snoring is more common in men than women, and often increases with advancing age. Normally when we breathe, air flows in and out in a steady flow from nose or mouth to lungs. During sleep the area at the back of the throat, nose or mouth may become narrowed and when the air passes through this narrow opening the surrounding tissues vibrate producing sounds of snoring. The most common cause of snoring is nasal passage obstruction caused from nasal septum deviation, allergies, sinus infections, swollen turbinates (nasal concha) and enlarged tonsils. Certain medications increase the relaxation of the muscles of the palate, tongue, neck, and pharynx leading to smaller airway and greater tissue vibration resulting in snoring.

Sleep apnoea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes a person to stop breathing while asleep. Sleep interruptions may occur infrequently or hundreds of times per night. Sleep apnea manifests in one of two ways. The airway becomes blocked during sleep when patients have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Central sleep apnea (CSA) results in brain signals failing to control breathing while asleep. The main complication of sleep apnea is decreased oxygen intake. This often causes other health issues that create a cycle that further worsens symptoms. One or more of the following symptoms maybe noticed:
Snoring Weight gain
Periodical Choking or Gasping while sleeping Inability to sleep
Remain asleep Frequently waking up with a sore or dry throat
Feeling sleepy throughout the day Forgetfulness
Lack of interest in sex Mood swings
Morning headaches

What do we do?

Our Sleep clinic in RR Hospital helps to diagnose the cause of the sleep disturbance with the help of 1. Painless Diagnostic Endoscopy examining Nose, Throat, Neck. 2. Sleep study which requires the patient to stay overnight in the hospital. Vital parameters such as Breathing rate, Heart rate, Apnoea rate are recorded . 3. Sleep Endoscopy – Patient is made to sleep with medication monitored by our Anaesthesia team. This procedure is carried out in the theatre. Flexible scopy (ORL VISION) is a flexible thin tube passed through the nose and throat and a diagnosis is made. This is a 15 to 30 minutes procedure. With the help of recorded video, patient sees for themselves. 4. Reports will be discussed with the patient and a diagnosis will be obtained and treatment options will be suggested and explained.

How can Snoring be treated?

Behavioural changes: This therapy includes losing weight if overweight, avoiding alcohol or sedative medications, stop smoking, and changing sleeping positions.

Nasal devices and medications: Nasal steroid sprays may be used to decrease the inflammation in the nasal passages. CPAP, BiPAP are devices which can help the patient to breathe through sleep. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP  or Bipap machine uses a hose connected to a mask or nosepiece to deliver constant and steady air pressure to help you breathe while you sleep.

Surgical treatment: Surgery may be needed to correct anatomic abnormalities. These procedures are designed to correct the obstruction and establish airway.

Surgical Management :

If the cause is due to obstruction such as Tonsils enlarged, Uvula enlarged, Large tongue( Macroglossia), Palate , Pharynx causes, surgical options are discussed.

Patient is sedated by the anaesthetist in the operation theatre and selected surgical procedure is carried out with HIGH-Tech instruments such as COBLATOR, MICRODEBRIDER, LASER.

Oral cavity and Throat-Tonsillectomy, UPPP-(Uvulo Palato Pharyngeal Plasty), Tongue base reduction, Uvuloplasty

NOSE-Endoscopic Septoplasty, Turbinoplasty